Basic passive Circuits elements: Types of elements- Resistor, Inductor, Capacitor, energy sources
and their properties, Ohm’s Law.

Circuit Analysis: Mesh and Node Analysis. Network Theorems:-
Superposition, Reciprocity, Thevenin’s, Norton’s, Maximum power transfer, star/delta transformation and source transformation. - Simple numerical problems

Basic active Circuits elements: P & N-type semiconductors, P-N
junction, forward bias and reverse bias, V-I characteristics, ideal and practical diodes, approximate model, diode data sheet, types of diodes and variants (Introductory level only), Types of transistors (PNP and NPN)

Applications of active elements: Clippers, Clampers, Rectifiers - HWR, FWR with and without capacitive filters. Power supply with ripple reduction and regulation, Zener diode as a voltage regulator. Applications of Transistor: Transistor as an amplifier, switching transistors, power transistors (low, medium and large power), key parameter
from data sheet. Analog & Digital ICs: 7805,7905, IC 741, IC 555, LM 339, LM723.